Early Pregnancy Assessment
What is early pregnancy?
Early pregnancy refers to the first 12 weeks of your pregnancy, during which your baby matures faster compared to the other trimesters. The initial consultation and early pregnancy scan will be carried out by one of our early pregnancy specialists and will incur a charge of £450. They will perform a scan, provide information and answer any questions relating to your pregnancy and refer you on for prenatal testing. If you wish to deliver with Miss Mellon please kindly contact the office.
What to expect from your appointment:​
Consultation with one of our female consultant gynaecologists
Thorough medical history
Measurement of your height, weight and blood pressure
Urine test for signs of infection or protein
Transvaginal ultrasound scan
Notification of results
Written medical report which can be posted or emailed to yourself and health professional(s) of your choice
Prescription arrangement if required
Follow up advise if required
If you wish to continue your antenatal care with Miss Claire Mellon, we will organise blood tests and refer you to Ultrasound Diagnostic Services for the NIPT (non-invasive pre-natal test) and a more detailed scan.
Bleeding and Pain in Early Pregnancy
It is common for women to experience abdominal pain or bleeding during the first 12 weeks of their pregnancy. We recognise this can be very distressing and will assess you promptly should this happen.
For the majority of women, there is no harm to the baby and the pregnancy continues. However, for some women, these symptoms are signs of complications with the pregnancy.
Unfortunately, 1 in 5 pregnancies end with a miscarriage and 1 in 100 pregnancies are ectopic (where the pregnancy implants outside of the uterus). Sadly neither of these are viable pregnancies.
At our practice, we are able to diagnose both miscarriages and ectopic pregnancies and manage them according to your individual situation either conservatively, medically or surgically.